Great piece as always!

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Thank you, very much, Jim!

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Oh yes, cops and courtrooms and judges. What a mix. Much ado about nothing, indeed. Well, these days anyway. Back in the day, quite the crime. Glad you got out of it okay.

I was in the states a few years ago, passing through Colorado, and the motel lobby had a sign that said "No marijuana in the rooms", and I thought that was a weird thing to call out. When I asked, the clerk told me it's because marijuana is legal. Well, my ignorance.. :) I hadn't been keeping up on these things, but later learned that quite a few states during my years outside have changed the laws.

Thanks for the tale!

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Hi, Victor! Thanks. I was lucky. I know of others who weren't so. I would bet there are those who once enforced those laws now partaking either for recreation or medicinally. Wonder how they feel about that now.

It must be very strange to return after after a number of years to the changes that will occur during that time.. Especially from another country.

Glad you liked the story!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by James Ron

Thanks for sharing this "interesting" experience, James. I found it both entertaining and insightful.

In our bureaucratic system, it's easy to get into a snarl and then spend months or years trying to extricate oneself. Even a little traffic accident can set off a flood of paperwork and legal back-and-forth that will waste a chunk of your life. Or a medical procedure that entails a fight with 3 "providers" you never knew existed that send surprise, incomprehensible bills, and 2 insurance companies that resist paying them for obscure reasons, forcing you to stay on hold for hours for the next available operator.

Dentists drill, doctors prescribe pills, police arrest, SWAT teams deploy, prosecutors prosecute, lawyers defend, judges run trials -- everybody's got to be busy doing their specific job or else lose the job. There's no one who sees the big picture and asks fundamental questions like "is this really necessary to do?" and "what'll be the overall impact on this person's life?" We're all at the mercy of a bunch of narrow specialists each doing their little thing to earn their keep.

Of course we do need the specialists and their services do help us on many occasions, but how to make sure they don't go overboard?

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Hi, Jim! Probably most of us have been entangled in such situations.

"Of course we do need the specialists and their services do help us on many occasions, but how to make sure they don't go overboard?" I sure don't know. We do need them. Perhaps if they had to wait on the phone for hours when trying to get hold of us. :) It seems to be the nature of the beast. These "unelecteds" hold sway. Thank you for writing, Jim!

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Great story!

I know this is only meant to show how young guys can so easily find trouble. But more and more, I question the legitimacy of our judicial system.

For the record, I have been found guilty of 'tall grass and weeds'. There was never a possibility of jail, but I saw firsthand what a cluster f*** our judicial system really is. The courtroom is for the lawyers and the judge, who is also a lawyer. Everybody else is just a secondary consideration.

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Hello, Rad! Thank you! I am deeply cynical about the way the system works. Perhaps, it is because we are older and have seen "justice" in the hands of the judicial system go wrong so often.

"The courtroom is for the lawyers and the judge, who is also a lawyer. Everybody else is just a secondary consideration." So true. Most wrongs will never be set right.

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"I was lucky. I was scared straight. That weekend, we had a “Get out of jail free party!” My straight and narrow resolve was short lived." Ha ha ha! It sure was! But two pounds? That could have been serious trouble, James Ron.

I loved this statement: "I couldn’t believe all this fuss was for us four longhairs. It was much ado about not much of a thing to my thinking." When recreational use of pot was legalized in California in 2016, half of the population said, "Wait... you mean marijuana was illegal?" Now - go find a photo of your young long-haired self and add it to your story - right now!

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"Wait... you mean marijuana was illegal?" Now, that's funny! But so true. I'd have to dig real deep to find a picture of myself from "way back then." Thank you, Sharron!

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I want to see it, anyway. You post one and I will, too, from my rock and roll days… deal? Terry Freedman has posted a couple of long-hair views of himself from the early eighties. Darned cute

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Wellllll, - I don't have anything from those days. No pictures, books, records. Things get lost or tossed to the wayside out of necessity. Can't take much with you when life is unsettled. My sister might have an old picture or two. I'll have to check. I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of you though. : )

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Your writing is both easy on the eyes and highly entertaining.

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Hi, Jim! Thank you , very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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