This sounds so much like my late son’s true life adventures as he was living off the grid. He even recorded videos of his life (over 900 of them)….his ending in a tragic fire. We even talked about Sasquash sightings in the area. Loved reading this story 💕

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GeorgeAnn, I'm so sorry. If your son published any videos and you have a link you could share, I'd love to see them. I really admire those with such self-reliance, ability, and confidence. I'm sure you are very proud of him. Thank you for letting me know!

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I liked the ending. Marty was true to his character. Throughout the story there was this feeling of foreboding, that Marty would be discovered and killed for his gold. I liked your ending better, James.

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Hello, K.C. - Thank you very much! I most appreciate it. I thought about an ending re the gold, but liked the direction the story went so I stayed with it. Thank you for commenting.

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You made the right decision.

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An adventure story with cool business ideas in it! Like: run a YouTube channel from a mystery location and challenge your viewers to come find you. I might want to try that someday!

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I know, it seems like it could be doable. A reality show or some such. Thanks for commenting, Jim!

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Awesome, James. This is among my favorites of yours. There was a time that I would have embraced the Sasquatch lifestyle. Not so much now but fun to imagine.

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Thank you very much, Jim! Me, too. In another time, I went camping whenever I could. I think I'll be doing more camping in the future.

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In a way, this story feels like a microcosm of our culture's relationship with the internet, this sort of ouroboros that both enables and threatens so many of our endeavors.

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Hi, J.M.! I hadn't thought of it like that but it works for sure. A fine observation. Thank you for commenting!

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"He said that while he stressed about finding his future, his future had found him."

That seems to be the way it works.

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I think so. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

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Aug 2Liked by James Ron

Wow! What an adventure! I like to read about it, but I would not like to do it -- not even for a couple of days! James Ron, how is he making money on You Tube? Do people pay to subscribe? Or is it paid through some kind of advertising or what? I have no idea.

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Hi Sharron! Thank you! There is ad revenue, sponsorships, fan support levels, merchandise sales. More subscriber's equal more options to get paid.

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