Many thoughts fly by as the mind tries to get back to sleep at 3am. The stream of consciousness is full of pearls. This one especially struck a chord with me:

"he’s fighting some battle within himself. To a future better than the past or just for change itself?"

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Hi, Jim! Thank you. Sometimes the thoughts are pleasant, sometimes troubling. Sometimes we can give them direction, a sweet spot in the space between awake and asleep.

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Yes, like you, James, I try to gently steer where my mind goes during this in-between state, but usually it's on autopilot. Which isn't all bad - sometimes the autopilot takes me to surprisingly good destinations. Remembering and writing it out later is a whole other challenge though!

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Hi Jim. sorry the delay in getting back to you, been traveling. I believe it is so. That free state thinking doesn't take direction very well, and putting it down on paper

is the trick. A copy/paste function other, than our memory, to capture the 3D context of our thoughts to 2D writing pad would be nice. Maybe AI can do it.

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Yes, that would surely come in handy! A dream recorder of sorts. I've written a dystopian version of that in "Confessions of an Open Dreamer" in the EroFutures stories.

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Awesome James.

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Thank you, Jim. Very much!

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Good stuff James!

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Thank you, very much, Jim!

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It is hotter than the hinges of Hell in the Central Valley these past weeks. People feel like they are being roasted on a spit 24 hours a day. I see it is driving you to very dark places, James Ron. Darker than anything I have ever read at Before I Forget. I hope you get some relief soon, mister. If not, a trip to Santa Cruz for a few days may be in order to restore your sanity. As far as that motorcyclist you heard on the turnpike? I believe he is my Harley-riding neighbor now, who leaves for work every morning at 5 at full throttle past my house and at the stop light, revving it up loud as possible over and over until the light changes. Some one told me once it is indicative of a man who doubts his own sexual prowess. I can't testify to that though...

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Yes, It has been hot. I prefer hot weather to cold, to a point. Sleepless nights make for plenty of time to think. To run story lines. I don't feel dark though. A run to the coast would be fine that's for sure. No way to sleep through an early morning Harley. I feel for you. Thank you, Sharron!

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I like everything your write, but I especially like this. It is very nearly poetry. It is universal.

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Rad, Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words!

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