I love a man with a plan! I am so happy you get to do all these things to prepare for winter; you make me feel like an absolute slug (but then I am an alumna of UCSC). I feel like I suffer from chronic sloth complicated by acute apathy. However, I DID buy new windshield wipers for my ancient Toyota. Does that count? This last set clacked away for 14 years... guess it was time.

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Yes, getting new wipers counts. : ) That's got to be a record for wiper life. You do a lot of writing, that takes a plan. "chronic sloth complicated by acute apathy" - now that's funny! The tree trim will do a job on my arms and shoulders, but it feels good. Not much to the rest of it. Thank you, Sharron.

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I really related to this one. It’s raining here today and I’ve hired a dumpster for some cleanup I have planned. Plus I have some siding I have to repair on one of the barns before winter. No putting things off, so best to embrace it…

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Hi J.M. I know, sometimes you just have to plow through and get it done. I think you have more going on outside than I do with your horses and such. I could use a dumpster for most of the stuff I've accumulated inside our house. I'm not a hoarder, but maybe I am. It adds up. Thanks for writing!

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ha ha ha " I am not a hoarder, but..." If you are worried at all about being a hoarder, James Ron, you probably are. Follow Jimmy Swann's model. He had it going on! My brother out in Porter Gulch has squirrels. They are all Frankie...

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Well I sure have a lot of stuff I keep saying I should get rid of. I'm a hoarder. : )

Yes, Jimmy got rid of it all.

Having the same name makes them easier to keep track of.

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Reading about your chores and what goes on in your mind as you face them somehow had a very calming effect on me, James. It felt like I came over to a friend's house on a Saturday afternoon. And the part about George was such a cute little twist in the narrative:

"George, the squirrel, appears at the side fence. I think he’s a he, but I’m not sure. Nor is he the only squirrel. They’re all named George."

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Jim, I'm glad you liked it. Thank you very much! You are welcome over anytime. : )

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I always enjoy your musings on the simple things and your "no pressure" approach to getting the chores done. We don't have a fall or falling leaves down here but I paid my dues when I lived in the NE. I have always enjoyed backyard life and continue to do so although the critters are different here. I've got some "reframing" to do tomorrow. Thanks, James.

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Critters... Do you get alligators wandering through your backyard, Jim? Or big old snakes? I have only coyotes and skunks and squirrels.

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No, we are on a salt water canal. Gators like fresh water ponds and such. I've seen plenty but they're not usually in our neighborhood. We had dolphins chasing fish up our canal twice last week. You should hear the commotion! They are glorious. We have green iguanas which can be 3-4 feet long that sunbathe on our dock. Very cool but invasive and destructive. Black snakes, poisonous toads that we have to be mindful of for the doggies. Coyotes and bobcats. Some have seen the Florida panthers but they are a rare sight in my town. Love it all!

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Yes that's true with the gators. In Louisiana, there is a lot of fresh water and gators, especially south of Interstate 10. We were close to the Gulf and saw dolphins often in the Intercoastal Waterway. I really miss the gulf coast. I'm close to the bay here but it is not the same. And the suburbs surround us cutting off the wildlife. There are rattlers in the protected hills a few miles away. I've never seen a snake in my yard. I did see a coyote at the airport a couple days ago.

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Always trying to keep it simple. : ) Our fall isn't much to speak of either. Little color but for a couple tree types. I've gotten out of the habit of looking out for critters. Only raccoons and skunks here. Don't have concerns for snakes or gators. May the 'Reframe" be with you! Thank you, Jim.

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Well, when you said Hawaiian airlines and United, I thought: damn, you have good eyes :)

As for chores, I hear you. I too don't mind, but have a hard time getting started.

And our rainy season has passed. It's mostly June-September. All the roofs here are flat and I have to get up there once in a while to put a couple of coats of a sort sealing paint. As for winter, that's when if you want to get warm, you go outside. Butterflies in December.

Sounds like you've got things under control, James!

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LOL re the airlines and good eyes! Sounds like we have the same situation roof wise. Thank you, Victor! BTW, read your piece, The Desert Gardens. Kudos, it's terrific!

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Thanks James. Glad you enjoyed it. Keep that roof ready!

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