I'm feeling better about the future-thanks James! (I'm gonna pay closer attention to the options!)

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What an outlandish tale! Loved it, James. I thought it was incredibly imaginative. And honestly, if we’re still around in 2084...who knows. I can strangely see this becoming reality. Instead of going clothes shopping you can go tail, ear, or skin shopping! 😅

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Thank you, Justin! It does seem possible, doesn't it? Reminds me of the bar room scene in Star Wars. :)

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Wow, a big departure for our man James! Cool and imaginative. You took the "trans" issue to another level. Well done!

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Thank you, Jim! Yes, a real change for him. it was fun writing.

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Okay. So this is officially the weirdest thing I have ever read. Especially weird when the animal parts were brought into play. The word "refurred" just cracked me up. You would be right at home in Santa Cruz, James...

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I think it is weird, also. But it kept writing itself so I went with it. Santa Cruz? Oh boy, that's scary! :)

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